Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I finished more socks. These are Sockotta 505 .. 505 being the colorway. The first socks I made for myself are Sockotta and I love them. I'm not so sure about these. I made them on smaller needles than the others but they seem bigger. Maybe after they're washed and dried in the dryer, they'll be better. I bought the yarn when one of the online vendors had a sale. I didn't know what I was buying but it is SO MUCH FUN to see patterns develop from yarn you're not familiar with.

I finished the Opal Rodeo socks minutes before I gave them to my wonderful yoga teacher. I rushed out of the house thinking I was late and did not even think about taking a picture of them. I've asked her if I can take their picture for this blog the next time I see her. Isn't that tacky? I mean, when you give someone a gift, you shouldn't ask them to produce it again for any reason. It's theirs. You're done with it. But she said yes and I will post their picture later.

I'm also in school which is good but has expenses I did not forsee and that's getting me down. And I'm looking for a job. And I have the best teenager in the world (don't argue!) but it's still hard being a mom. I think the less you care the easier it may be but I care a lot. He's great. He is not a problem. There are just things that go with the territory.
posted by Betty Ann at 10:29 AM |


At February 08, 2006 12:33 PM, Blogger christina

Now THOSE are Easter socks!!!Perfect! They look so...puffy compared to the other ones.

I think you're supposed to worry about your teenager no matter how wonderful he/she is.

Does your yoga teacher read your blog? I bet she'd be flattered to have her feet on here.

My secret word is "euuvzan" - sounds like some kind of fancy water.


At February 08, 2006 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

My secret word is kind of obscene: viltmywb

Hey Sock Lady: those socks are sort of slouchy and wiry. ;) But cute colors. And you could hide things in them.



At February 08, 2006 1:37 PM, Blogger christina

vilt my WHAT?

"And you could hide things in them."

Yes, things like chocolate Easter eggs.


At February 08, 2006 5:00 PM, Blogger Betty Ann

My secret word is: urfulofit

I don't who reads this blog. Maybe just you two. There are people who say they do ... but ... why don't they leave a comment?


At February 09, 2006 3:12 AM, Blogger christina

I think lots of people read it. Check out your statistics. Maybe they're just too shy to comment. You need some Drama or Righteous Indignation in here. That always draws a crowd.


At February 09, 2006 5:48 AM, Blogger Betty Ann

You're right! There are people who just too shy to comment. And speaking of shy, your word and kiwi's word are BOTH too shy to be in the dictionary. Hmmmmm.


At February 10, 2006 6:35 AM, Blogger G.C. PHILO

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