Friday, January 20, 2006
Yes, yes, I am knitting but I don't feel like showing anything until it's finished. Just a mood, I guess. In the meantime, here's the scanner we bought today. It was $99 at Circuit City and one almost like it was $79. Puzzling. Which to choose? Well, they didn't have ink for the $79 one which made me suspicious that the ink wouldn't be available so we went next door to Office Depot where both were $79 and they had plenty of ink. There's a moral here. Don't trust the store with the better reputation without going next door first.

Then .. I was once again inspired by the beautiful Christina (GO LOOK AT HER BLOG) that I decided to take my own picture.

Here I am:

And here:

And here:

My hair's growing out nicely, don't you think?

posted by Betty Ann at 11:04 PM |


At January 21, 2006 10:16 AM, Blogger christina

I love the third picture!!! Adorable. And your hair looks lovely. That's such a nice length for you.

Is it a scanner/printer/fax machine/coffee maker all-in-one thingie? Seems like the cheaper they are, the more the refill ink costs.


At January 21, 2006 9:34 PM, Blogger Betty Ann

For another $35 I coulda got wheels that would have allowed it to run around on the floor and vacuum as well as make capuccinos, but I didn't get that. I'm regretting it now.