Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I was so delighted when I the Fortissima Colori Socka Color yarn (right) developed a stripe-like effect with different shades of brown and different amounts of gold in each stripe. The yarn is made of two threads of different browns and one gold and each gets bigger and smaller as the yarn progresses.

I began the second sock thinking about getting MORE of this wonderful yarn. They started off the same .. kind of .. Both cuffs are plain brown but different browns. Then I struck it rich and hit pure gold.

I'm not pleased but I am kind of intrigued.
posted by Betty Ann at 7:56 AM |


At January 10, 2006 11:00 AM, Blogger Betty Ann

Size 6? Is that a comment on my butt?

I hope I didn't scare Yulle away with my poor sense of humor/vocabulary.


At January 10, 2006 12:16 PM, Blogger Cate

I'm using this yarn as well, tho in a different colorway. I havn't had this problem, but I'm not overy impressed witht he quality of the yarn. the dye is pretty uneven and it did have a section of white where it should have been blue (there is no white in the colorway...)if you don't like it, frog the gold, break the yarn and find that spot in the next repeat and go from there...


At January 10, 2006 1:14 PM, Blogger christina

Wow, that's...interesting. Yeah, I guess as herself75 suggests, you'd have to start both balls of yarn in the same place so the colour spacing would be identical. Not that I have a clue, of course. But maybe if you knit two more it will all even out? Just rambling.

Your buttt is NOT as big as your blog. I think you need to put pictures of socks up there in 3-D.


At January 10, 2006 1:21 PM, Blogger Betty Ann

3-D ... ? Won't we all have to get those red lens/green lens glasses to see them?

Yulle, Zach actually laughed at these socks. Can you imagine? hrumph


At January 10, 2006 1:39 PM, Blogger Betty Ann

4779 .. this isn't even a word and it batters my vocabulary.


At January 11, 2006 8:49 AM, Blogger Jenny Raye

Hi Betty,
Thanks for visiting my blog :o)

The Trekking yarn you inquired about is Trekking XXL 100, a very popular colorway. Hope that helps.