Thursday, February 02, 2006
Guess what !!?!! I won a ball of Opal yarn from Opalchatters! Not this ball! This is Rodeo that I'm finishing into socks very soon. I had meant not to post pictures of socks in progress for a bit, only finished ones, but since I WON the yarn (and am quite excited) other Opalers might come here to see and I need something to show them.

There! Now, I'm going back to finish reading the Opalchatters newsletter to see what else is going on. I did see pictures of the PT Yarn storage building. Wouldn't that be fun to roam around in .. Enter with big empty pockets .. leave loaded down. Sigh. What a dream.

Thank you Soxie!!

posted by Betty Ann at 7:03 AM |


At February 02, 2006 9:20 AM, Blogger christina

Those are so cuuuuute!


At August 07, 2006 3:10 PM, Blogger LillianAbel

wonderful sox and kitties... thank you
