Monday, September 18, 2006

I went out to take pictures of rain and figured out, all by myself, that the background has be darker than the color of water. (Loved that book The Color of Water by the way. Title comes from mixed-race children asking Mom what color God is.) I got pictures of water dripping off the house.

I'm working on three socks and the little sweater. Someone really mentally sick was telling me how she hates her job, loves to shop with her dd because her dd is so smart she makes male salespersons look dumb, she hates some of her co-workers because they're bossy, prissy, attractive (guys are always hanging around her instead of working), etc. I was knitting knitting knitting a sock when this other woman came in and teased me about making a pair for her. Conversation went like this:

Nice Woman: Will you be able to finish my socks by Christmas?

Mean Woman: She'll charge you.

NW: That's ok. I'll pay.

MW: Do you want a pair like those? (ones I was working on.)

NW: That would be good. Anything she'd make, I'd want.

MW: They don't appeal to me.

It's really hard to let this kind of this roll off. Grrr.
posted by Betty Ann at 11:26 AM |


At September 18, 2006 2:38 PM, Blogger christina

How dare she insult your socks! I'm hopping on a plane right now with my rolling pin in my hand.


At September 19, 2006 8:16 AM, Blogger Elemmaciltur

Oh, just stab her with one of your needle...lightly though, just to jolt some sense back in to her. Then warn her that you can get a set of 5 there won't be just one needle the next time! *evil laugh*


At September 19, 2006 9:07 AM, Blogger Betty Ann

You are both so helpful!! A little gentle violence (if only in imagination) is just the thing.