Saturday, August 12, 2006
My son and his friend try to avoid the camera. If they knew I couldn't focus, they could've saved the effort. (See the basket of yarn behind them?) And here is my sweet kitty, saved and restored to our home. It's such a nice picture of him, I had to post it.
posted by Betty Ann at 9:20 AM |


At August 13, 2006 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Hi Betty,
I think your blog is amazing! I am a prolific handknitter and don't know if I could keep up a daily blog AND knit! Usually, I am knitting every day unless I am unhappy (which is not too often). Sounds like you are the same.
I saw the blog posted on the socknitters yahoo group. Keep up the good work. It looks like it's hard to start your own blog. HMMM.
Hope your cat is better soon.


At August 13, 2006 11:39 PM, Blogger Betty Ann

Maria, Thanks so much for your comments. Blogging is really easy as these
blog sites supply everything excep the words and pictures. Do you have a
digital camera? If you do, you're ready to go!!


At August 14, 2006 1:46 AM, Blogger Elemmaciltur

Great to see you back on blogging again!


At August 15, 2006 5:58 PM, Blogger Joy

LCP looks little and cute. DS looks tall and handsome. Cute couple. Are they wearing hand knitted socks?