Sunday, August 06, 2006
I am not been able to knit for so so so very long. It's been about school and work and mothering a teenager. There has been no time. Now, school is over, the teen is on his way to university and I am knitting. But first ... look at my sweet kitty, Ivan. He is sick. He is not eating so I worry about him. He is the sweetest, most affectionate fluffo ever.

But .. here are the socks in progress. First, cotton/wool blend that have been in the works forever. Oooo, there are my toes.
And these are from yarn that I thought was really ugly. I thought I'd just knit it up and see how it turned out and now it's my fav!

And these are for my friend Christina who hopes to have them before it snows! Well, if it doesn't snow for a long time, I might make it.That's it! Please say hi and leave encouragment.

posted by Betty Ann at 9:52 PM |


At August 06, 2006 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Your socks look Great!!!
One day I will be able to knit socks like that.....I have only knit 2 pair for me...but several children's socks. Keep on plugging(Knitting).....Hope your job gets better on your feet


At August 06, 2006 10:49 PM, Blogger Tammy

I love your socks!! Isn't it great to be back in the realm of knitting?


At August 06, 2006 11:50 PM, Blogger Betty Ann

Oh thank you thank you! How nice to be back with knitters. Great people indeed!


At August 07, 2006 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Those socks in progress are lovely. What is the yarn you used for the middle pair?


At August 07, 2006 1:53 PM, Blogger Diane

You just never know how yarn is going to look until you knit it up. I've had yarn that looked great until I started using it and then .... well not so much. The brown toned sock looks great.


At August 07, 2006 6:32 PM, Blogger Joy

Welcome back to the world after school! I like the ugly yarn socks too. Funny how it looks ugly in a ball, but really pretty after you knit them up.


At September 01, 2006 5:29 AM, Blogger christina

Oooooh, my socks look beautiful. Can't wait. And it probably won't snow until December so you're safe.