Friday, October 13, 2006
All righty! I would go ahead and put these socks in the mail but I work every minute of every day that the post office is open and since the go to an alien land, I must fill out some form and go in person. These are the Opal Tutti Fruitti socks made from yarn ordered from somewhere in Europe. Apparently, there wasn't much made in this colorway. It turns out, by the way, that ordering from Europe is cheaper than U.S. even adding in postage. They just sell it cheaper there by far.
Empie didn't finish his socks so I took them over. They look pretty good for his first effort. He probably meant to stalk and kill them once finished ... or sleep on them. As Diane suggested, he was proably just trying to get on my good side by pretending to have an interest in knitting. He has always been dishonest ... purrs when he really means "Get your hands off me so I can run away."


posted by Betty Ann at 7:04 AM |