Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Problems with knitting. I finished the sock and it's gorgeous. It is truly beautiful and I could never rip it out. But it's smallish. I used size 1 needles like the pattern said but didn't notice (and didn't gauge ... bad !!!) that her size 1 was 2.5 mm and mine was 2.25 mm. So it's snug and not meant for a gift like planned.

And the glove isn't working either. I made one pair which turned out very well but this one isn't. The other yarn was more forgiving. This one show every little problem, every stitch that's not the same size, every twist. The places where the threads join for fingers look horrible.

Saw some magazine on the stand this morning that had a tiny article about how calming knitting is. I am withholding judgement.
posted by Betty Ann at 11:43 AM |


At December 07, 2005 2:35 AM, Blogger christina

Oh noooooooooo! You'll have to give the socks to someone with smaller feet. And I'm sure the gloves are lovely.

I find knitting quite stressful, actually, but I like doing it. Now I've been reading that not only do I knit Continental, I knit left-handed Continental which is All Wrong. I remember them trying to make me knit properly in the first grade in arts and crafts class and I couldn't do it.


At December 07, 2005 6:43 AM, Blogger Betty Ann

Please have one of your darling boys photograph the way you knit. I can't picture it. Continential IS left handed I think but I don't know how to do it. Need pictures !!!!