Sunday, January 21, 2007
Thanks to my darling taffy-colored-hair friend who lives in middle of a snow-driven forest and who said these socks are CUTE!! She gets them for that and I hope she hides them in tall boots and they serve her well. Here's the first sock:

This is Online yarn, I think, but not sure. The label has been lost.

And my other darling strawberry-frappe-colored-hair friend who lives in the middle of Metropolis and who wants socks in earth tones will get these socks if they're earth-toney enough. If not, I will knit others.

Not a great picture of this second sock. I'm assuming she'll wear them in the dark and wants to know how they'll look. This is Trekking yarn (Trekking XXL 105, I think) and I love knitting with it.
posted by Betty Ann at 11:56 AM |


At March 25, 2007 12:40 PM, Blogger Knitcrazy

Hi Betty.. Thanks for stopping by my Blog..
Yes.. We do have a Great Knit Group here... But when I go to New York for the Summer I don't have that pleasure.... I really miss them when I am not here.. But I am here for about 7 months so thats a Good Thing!!!
Nice Socks you have here!!! :)